Wednesday, March 7, 2007

It's a Menace Alright

Those of you who remember the dearly departed Green Blog of Revolution, may remember one of my last posts there was of a flyer I had made up for the GTFF General Membership Meeting. It looked like this:

Many of you professed to like the flyer and I was feeling pretty damn good about myself.

At last night's Board meeting I was informed that I should not be feeling so good about myself, as my flyer contains glaring ideological errors.

First, the people in the flyer are "white suburbanites."

[You may want to point out that these people actually seem to be living in what can only be described as a metropolis. You are, apparently, wrong.]

Second, the flying saucers can be read as a metaphor for immigration. "Hello?"

Why did you people not point these things out to me before I made a fool of myself? This flyer can only be read to say that the GTFF is a union of white suburbanites terrified of immigrants. [Insert your own joke about the American labor movement here].

I came up with this as an alternative flyer, which I hope is sufficiently revolutionary. I used the techniques I learned at CGEU to make it. Let me know how you "read" the flyer and point up ideological deficiencies.

Please note my co-opting of the symbol of the oppressor and re-imagining it as a symbol of liberation. That's what I learned at CGEU.

Next up a naked Dave Frohnmayer and "the emperor has no clothes" chants.


wobblie said...

Your font is oppressing me.

ash said...

if you ask me, those board members let you off easy. i mean, the flyer references science fiction, which everyone knows is a masculinist genre. the book cover you use has a pulp fiction aesthetic. pulp, dave. pulp! shockingly and insidiously anti-tree. (not surprising coming from a timber industry apologist such as yourself) and really, "walk, don't run"?! could you be any more ableist? you and your flyer disgust me.

Anonymous said...


dr said...

Think GalactiCon

Anonymous said...

Please carefully distinguish that it wasn't the whole board, or even more than two people on the board, who are involved in this. Really.

I just liked it better when you could see the cleavage.