Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Major League II, et al

Why are the Indians playing the White Sox at Camden Yards?

Why is CNN doing a show about Asian stereotypes where the question is asked, "When are Asian actresses going to stop taking stereotypical roles in movies ans on tv? When are they going to say, 'no, I want to play a mainstream role'?" and the questioner was not beaten challenged.


wobblie said...

Uh... the White Sox are playing the Yankees tonight, and Cleveland is playing Minnesota. So the answer to your question is, I have no fucking clue.

mike3550 said...

Because its the best goddamn baseball park in America and at the time the Indians didn't have their Camden Yards II -- I mean, Jacobs Field -- and filming in Municipal Stadium would not have "looked good."

And I bet the City of Baltimore probably gave them insane tax breaks for filming in Baltimore.

wobblie said...

There you go, another pop culture reference done gone whizzed over my head.

I amend my answer to "Because it's a fucking movie."

dave3544 said...

Okay, then how 'bout this...why did they keep cutting to a shot of the Bromo Seltzer building, which, if you know it, is pretty fucking distinctive (this is what clued me in). Shouldn't they have cut to exterior shots filmed in, say, Cleveland?