Monday, July 2, 2007

Law Schmaw

Bush never was much of a law and order guy anyway. Unless, of course, the poor, blacks, or the mentally challenged were involved, in which case killing was too good for 'em.

You know what really fucking sticks in the fucking craw? Now we're going to have to listen to the likes of Goldberg, Kauthammer, and Novak all trying to argue that Scooter really is being punished, harshly at that, because he will always have that stain on his record.

Boo, fucking, hoo.

I've resisted saying shit like this before, but, god's be damned, this is what living in Rome must have felt like.

1 comment:

wobblie said...

Nothing, of course, precludes that "stain on his record" from being erased come January 20, 2009...