Friday, July 13, 2007


I am so sick and tired of this argument from the right:

The White House didn't lie the country into Iraq. The consensus opinion of the intelligence community was that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. The Democrats in the Congress agreed with the White House that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and had to be removed.

If I may, the consensus opinion was not that Iraq had WMD. Intelligence was cherry-picked to make it seem like there was consensus for this opinion. Any evidence or opinion to the contrary was ignored or relegated to footnotes.

Yes, the Dems agreed with the White House. This is, however, proof that the Dems did not contemplate that the White House could be systematically lying the country into a war. This is evidence of gullibility. It is not, however, proof that the White House did not lie.

1 comment:

wobblie said...

I just finished Isikoff and Corn's Hubris which pretty much sums up what you said, except with the disheartening note that some Dems didn't read the NIE (where dissenting footnotes (lots of them) appeared), while others knew perfectly well of the dissents but for one reason or another (either politics or they thought that going to war was right for other reasons) ignored them.

It's a good read.