Monday, July 16, 2007

Probability: 0%

Anyone else noticed that one of the new talking points for the dead-enders is that they will fully support bringing the troops home the moment that General Petraeus says that the war is unwinnable. I could link to some shit, but, at this point, this is a throw away line, usually followed by "listening to the Generals, not politicians."

I know some historians and military people peruse this blog on occasion. Can anyone think of a time in modern military history when a General has announced a war unwinnable long before his troops were crushed?


Anonymous said...

Yes, Bush listens to the generals not the politicians. He just fires the generals that don't agree with him.
For example: Garner, Abizaid, Casey, Pace.

Check out the story of Col. Ted Westinghousen, an ethics trainer from west point who "committed suicide" over the corruption and chaos in Iraq. He had some less than kind words about Petreaus and how he operated as a general.
the whole story is up on Kos:

Anonymous said...

Froomkin adds his view of bush and his love of all things genral...
"President Bush says that he should be trusted on military issues because he listens to his commanders. But he has a tendency to celebrate his generals when they're providing him political cover -- then stick a knife in their backs when they're no longer of any use to him."