Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Got Any Eights?

You know how when your playing 'Go Fish' and you tell someone to "go fish" and if they draw what they asked you for, then they call out "I got what I wanted," and then they get to go again? And there is that moment's hesitation before you can ask for what you want because they may have gotten what they want. It's hard to know exactly how long that pause should be, largely because we play 'Go Fish' so infrequently these days that sometimes the opponent can forget to check to see if, indeed, the card they drew was the card they wanted. In this way, silence is an odd way to indicate that it's your turn to speak, when normally it is the perfect indicator.

Well, some of you know that recently I went fishing for a new job and a new car.

As awkward as it may be, let my silence be my indication that it is your turn.


ash said...

huh? um, got any jobs? or new cars?

wobblie said...

The inter-office grapevine has informed me that the MG quest to PDX was a bust, so my money's on the job. But... pins and needles!

dave3544 said...

It's your turn on both of them, as I did not get what I wanted.

And I'd thought I'd made that clear.

wobblie said...

You see, we don't play the "Go Fish" as much as we should.

Sorry to hear about the bum news.

ash said...

stupid fishes.

To: New Job
From: ash
Re: Go Fish

Got any daves?
Your loss, jerkwads!

Anonymous said...

As it relates to the car part: Stand Tall Davey you did all the right things. Read this though:

Anonymous said...

Ah, fuck. AP