Monday, October 29, 2007

Ah, the Good Ol' Days

Have you all seen the latest Coors commercial? I'd link to it, but it's not up on the Youtubes and you have to do a hellva lot of navigating to get to it on the Coors website. I know my crowd and you're way too lazy to find it. Go ahead. I dare you.

Anyway, it features a (white) man, his (white) friends, some (snowy) Rocky Mountains and a (yellow lab) dog. Mostly, it features a song. A song about how the world seems to be changing. Everything is changing. But I'm not going to go changing. I like the way I'm living. I've got my reasons why. I'm not going to go changing.

Now, ostensibly, the commercial is about the fact that Coors has been brewed the same way since nineteen-aught-diddly and they aren't going to change that. I guess the fine folks at Coors seem to think that the loyal Coors drinker might be worried that the Miller-Coors merger might result in some compromises to the fine brew that is Coors. This commercial will reassure them of that, I am sure.

Not-very-sub-textually, of course, is also the message that the fine folks at Coors, like you, are just a little tired of these queers demanding special rights, the blacks getting all uppity, and now the women got one of 'em running for president! Can you believe that! So, if you are a reactionary white male, boy have we got a beer for you!

Is it possible that what Coors is trying to assure the loyal Coors drink of is that despite the merger with Miller, Coors isn't going to go changing their very conservative social policies and "charitable" endeavors?

1 comment:

mike3550 said...

Damn, well if they ain't changing their beer I sure as hell ain't drinking it. It's not going to be because of their social policies (though I would avoid it for that) or for their absolute hypocrisy on the environment in Colorado (again, wouldn't drink it for that reason, either). Nope, it's because it tastes like, as my dad pointed out to me, "Rocky Mountain piss-water."