Monday, January 7, 2008

A Larf For You

I read this on wingnut Michelle Malkin' s blog (no links) in the comments section, so it's meant unironically.
On January 7th, 2008 at 2:27 pm, 30 pcs of silver said:

Candidates like Paul, Huckabee, Dodd, Kucinich and potentially Bloomberg, must smell something in the air. There is no way these chums should have ever be seriously considered for POTUS. Surely, the list for unqualified candidates can go on but it is those listed above who surprise me. Has America changed that much over the years that we would accept these people as viable candidates for the highest office in the land?


lex dexter said...

no shit. who is this chris dodd guy, anyway?

wobblie said...

Mr. McBadgrammar is right about Huckabee. Who would've thunk that some not-so-bright, Jesus-freak southern governor with no foreign policy experience would ever be taken seriously for president? That's just nuts!

wobblie said...

And Dennis Kucinich was viable?