Friday, December 5, 2008

Beer Me a New Phone

Sprint has apparently decided that the University of Oregon is one college campus that they don't need to have coverage for. This results in my Sprint-brand phone constantly playing a chime to tell me that it is searching for service. This happens enough that I cannot shut the phone off, because in the middle of the process it comes back on to chime me that it is searching for service. Given that I have no service, taking the battery out seems to be the only wise option, but it makes the $120 phone bill seem kind of silly.

Ah, technology.

[Update: My phone has reacted to my taking the battery out to shut it up, then putting back in when I realized I can just mute the phone, by shutting itself off and turning itself back on every 10 seconds. It chimes when it does this. This is not enough time to get to the mute setting. I have decided to treat it like a 3-year-old and just let it keep chiming until it tires itself out. It's a little embarrassing in public, yes, but anyone who has ever had a Sprint-brand phone will understand, and anyone who hasn't can go fuck themselves, because who are they to judge?]


lex dexter said...

$120 phone bill? For just your phone? How? Does it transform into a Mechanical Bull if you rub it?

Chrysler Guy and Ron G. miss you, btw.

dave3544 said...

I have three phones on that bill.

lex dexter said...

now i see.

Anonymous said...

test two

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
