Friday, December 19, 2008

Malone and Joe

For those who haven't been in Eugene lately and/or endlessly babbling on about phone service (did I mention this?), you might not know that Malone has been pushing the Credo. Not only is there word that Credo is anti-union, but for some reason they thought that Joe Lieberman would be a someone who could push phone service. I know when I think progressive causes, I think Joe Lieberman.

This association shouldn't taint Malone too much, but all the more reason to get a real phone company. Sprint, my phone carrier of endless two-year commitments choice, sponsors NASCAR. What could be more progressive than that?


wobblie said...

I don't think that the use of Joltin' Joe's mug is necessarily a pitch for the company's alleged progressive cred so much as it's a little "ha ha" at how easy it is to switch, as in Joe's case, allegiances. The could have done the same thing if it were 14 years ago and Richard Shelby had just jumped ship. At least that's the way I read it.

dave3544 said...

Perhaps, but I am going to question the wisdom of directing an ad at progressives by making a funny about a guy who betrayed them. I mean, I am that much less likely to want to be associated with credo.

wobblie said...

I totally agree. Maybe being progressive means "not using a competent ad agency."

lex dexter said...

Shelby was a DEM?

Malone has always been soft on unions.

wobblie said...

Yup - he jumped ship in '94.