Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Mysterious Case of the Attributed Article

I was going to write a post about how the BBC is reporting that the guy who threw his shoes at Bush as been beaten while in custody, but that the AP article just says he is going to be tried and could get two years or be let free. Digging up the article on the internet, though, I see that the AP article does mention this allegations, but the Register Guard just cut off that portion of the article.

In my investigationings, I discovered something even more interesting (ha, ha). This article on Yahoo is attributed to Qassim Abdul-Zahra of the AP. It starts out:
BAGHDAD – The Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at President George W. Bush was expected to appear before a judge Wednesday in a first step of a complex legal process that could end in a criminal trial, a government official and the reporter's brother said.

Muntadhar al-Zeidi has been in custody since Sunday, when he gained folk hero status across the Arab world by throwing both shoes at Bush during a news conference. Bush ducked twice during the bizarre assault and was not injured.

Despite widespread sympathy for his act across the region, Iraqi authorities sent the case to the Central Criminal Court of Iraq, which handles security and terrorism cases.
The Register Guard, however, attributes this story to a Robert Reid of the AP. As do other news outlets.

For some reason I doubt that the YahooNews! is taking an article written by a guy with an (forgive me) "American" name and slapping a Muslim-sounding name on it, but for some other reason I can see just the opposite happening. Am I missing something? Alternative explanations?


wobblie said...

You, my friend, are missing that this is IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that the Yahoo corporation is in on the plot to Islamify Amurica.

dave3544 said...
