Thursday, January 29, 2009

EFCA Spells Doom For US All

In addition to all the other wastes of bailout funds we've been reading about, it appears that some of those funds are going to fight the Employee Free Choice Act*. Yay, bailouts! Well, for me it is not the bailouts per se, I still agree that the government had to do something to prevent the collapse of the financial markets. Unfortunately, that means propping up the same cocksuckers who got us in the mess in the first place. The same cocksuckers that still decry government interference in the market. The same cocksuckers that argue that government handing them billions of dollars with no strings attached is the nationalization of the banking industry. In other words, cocksuckers.

It makes sense that the titans of industry and finance oppose EFCA. If workers have the right to sit at the table and negotiate (!) their wages and benefits, it is possible that profits will go down. I mean there is plenty of evidence to show a unionized workplace is a more efficient, productive workplace, but let's leave that aside for a moment. So profits will go down and the titans are opposed. Except that there seems to be a bit more in it for them. Like Islamo-Fascisist-Liberal-Terrorism, EFCA, apparently, is a threat to the very fabric of our society.
"This is the demise of a civilization," said [founder of Home Depot Bernie] Marcus . "This is how a civilization disappears. I am sitting here as an elder statesman and I'm watching this happen and I don't believe it."
The demise of civilization. Jeebus!**

What would this EFCA do, anyway? EFCA would make it easier for employees to form a union if they want one, it would increase the penalties on employers that break labor law, and it would provide for binding arbitration if the two parties can't agree on contract in 120 days. That really does sound like the end of everything. This law gets passed and you have employees (!) sitting down with their bosses as equals (!) and bargaining -- not thanking, but bargaining -- for wages and benefits. Why, that's one step away from living in caves, cracking oysters on rocks just to stay alive.

Thank God our tax dollars are being used to stop this wicked, wicked law from ever inflicting middle class comfort on our citizens.

*Shouldn't "American Rights at Work," the AFL-CIO's pro-EFCA website, come up higher than eighth in a standard Google search? This is a propaganda war for fuck's sake, let's pull out some stops here.

**For those Francophiles in the audience, Marcus also said that EFCA must be fought to prevent the US from being turned into France, where, one assumes, he believes there is no civilization.

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