Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh Lord, Do I Still Hate Intensely Dislike These Slimy Bastards People

Because there are Bush loyalists in the news whining about the "cheap shots" Obama took in his Inaugural Address, I'm going to use the occasion to say that of all the late-day "he really did a great job" bullshit the apparatchiks are pushing, my favorite is [aside from the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States] he kept us safe!

That pretty much sums up the Bush administration in a nutshell. In order to find anything to praise about the man, you have to overlook the blatantly obvious.

He cut taxes! [And destroyed the economy on an epic scale.]

He expanded Medicare! [Through a program that is not working for seniors, but is enriching private health insurance companies. He also managed to stop price controls on pharmaceuticals, meaning that only those who live in the United States pay wildly inflated prices.]

He improved schools with No Child Left Behind! [The calls for reform of this law are loud and universal, with states refusing still implement it. And there has been no magic increase in test scores.]

He got money for AIDS in Africa! [Darfur.]

He liberated Iraq! [And only 750,000 Iraqis had to die for him to do it! You know the old saying, better dead than Iraqi.]

I'll also note that while everyone from the Bush administration is quick to predict that Obama will weaken our security and if there is a terrorist attack in the next eight years (well, any time in the next 16 years, let's say), then it is Obama's fault, 9-11 was, of course, Clinton's fault.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the freak near Eugene who put up a racist sign about Obama (he says "Osama") but said it's not racism - it is simply pointing out the extreme bias of the liberal media in favor of Obama more than Bush. It never ends.