Thursday, January 29, 2009


A lot of thoughts occurred to me about Obama going 0-for-GOP on the stimulus bill. It never occurred to me that the reason there were not any GOP votes was that Obama had not reached out enough and/or the Dems had rammed a "liberal" bill through the House. Maybe this is why I do not work for MSNBC, because everyone there seems to be under the impression that it is Obama's fault no Republicans voted for it.



unionboy said...

So, did we learn that there's no point to trying to kiss their asses? Did we learn not to bother putting tax cuts in a bill just so they still won't vote for it? Maybe the Senate will wise up and strip the bill of the tax cuts. We need taxes people - it's how we pay for shit!!

lex dexter said...

Union Boy,

But otherwise,
I am, uh, neither surprised nor concerned by the 0-fer on the stimulus vote, and nor do I assume BHO is. 'Chalk up the cocktail-ing and House Republican circle-joiks as money in the bank for later bills with more crossover potential. And on a "frame" level, chalk these theatrics up to the sort of "new civility"/"disagree without being disagreeable" shite that I find vacuous (if not pretentious) in the midst of an economic crisis, but that the rest of the world/media thinks is the most christlike shit since the Crown of Thorns.

In other words, I'm biting my lip and murmuring "trust Axelrod." We'll have our stimulus.

dave3544 said...

I know, I know, but let's not forget, this is not "our" stimulus bill. Ours would look very different. This was the best stimulus bill that our centrist leaders could come up with, then modified to gain Republican support. It failed to gain Republican support and the "liberal" media is saying that it failed because it was too far left.

Yes, we have to trust Obama, et. al, but sometimes it chafes, you know.

lex dexter said...

I definitely know. And to say what goes without saying, I want to shit myself* thinking of every time the Repubs. were capable of holding the line, closing ranks and forcing shit down Dems' throats with few concessions.

'cannot wait to start branding you, candidate Dave. i can do the oppo research, but you know my passion is for the frames.

*for more on my incontinence and the incontinence of others, please see the prisonship "lowest common denominator" thread. very proud of some of the performances over there.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, it got zero GOP support because they didn't incorporate a single GOP idea from mainstream House or Senate Rs. Obama certainly deserves some of that blame.