Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Grand Slam Ari

Ari Fleisher is exactly right, anyone on the left who questioned that Bush got the most votes in Florida and actually won the 2000 election is just as crazy as anyone on the right who questions whether Obama was born in the United States. The parallels are startling.

Moreover, Ari does the double when he rightfully points out that absolutely nobody ever criticized anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the Bush administration.

Ari is right again when he points out that it was the tactics of the left that divided the nation and frustrated Bush's desire to unite us under his kindly rule.

And has any man ever been more right than Ari when he points out the scientific fact that for every lulu on the right there are 1.8 lulus on the left?

1 comment:

lex dexter said...

That last is the essential truth of all politics.