Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Man Dennis

We all have our favorite right-wing-crazy blogger. Some are lucky enough to make their living making fun of them.

My current favorite is Dennis Prager. This guy is hilarious in his insanity. I only know of Dennis what I can learn from his blog--I like to take these people as they present themselves, without finding out too much of the "real facts." Dennis is very religious man. A Christian. But also a genius. All of his columns I have read feature Dennis pointing out how much smarter he is than other people and he invariably calls on people to emulate him as the way to solve the world's problems. His insanity coupled with his firm belief in his own intelligence is what makes me love him.

His most recent column tackles the question of why these anti-religion books are selling so well.
In just the last few months, three books attacking belief in God and making a case for atheism have been national best sellers: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins; God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens; and Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. A fourth book, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett also sold very well
Now just take a second and try to come up with three or four reasons that you might think these books are selling well. Go ahead, I'll wait (ha ha ha ha ha).

Did you come up with radical Muslims? That's right, those bombing sum-a-bitches are leading people to believe that religion can be the cause of evil, making people more likely to seek out books that argue that religion is not all that is cracked up to be.
First and most significant is the amount of evil coming from within Islam. Whether Islamists (or jihadists, Islamo-Fascists or whatever else Muslims who slaughter innocents in the name of Islam are called) represent a small sliver of Muslims or considerably more than that, they have brought religious faith into terrible disrepute.
You prolly came up with the secular schools, which Dennis cites, but did you also get Christians who are too mystical, irrational, and emotional? They undercut the intellectual Christianity that Prager endorses, so they do damage as well.

I love this crazy bastard.


I just found this about the Duke rape case:
The rape of a name can be as vicious a crime and as destructive an act as the rape of a body. Sometimes the rape of a body is worse, sometimes the rape of a name is worse. But they are both rapes. And morally likening the two is in no way meant to lessen the horror of rape; it is meant only to heighten awareness of the horror of intentionally destroying the name of an innocent person.


Anonymous said...

What an ass. I know this should be fun, but it touches on one of my pet peeves.

I'm sure there are numerous points to establish Mr. Prager's assness, but the "rape of a name" bullshit is sufficient for me. "Rape of a name" isn't a term we ofter hear and there's a reason for that: we already have a names for that: defamation as either slander or libel. Those are torts, or civil wrongs. They have their own set of redresses. Rape is a crime against a person. Defamation is not a crime unless you happen to be in Zimbabwe and insult Comrade Bob.

This is one of my pet peeves, the overly broad use of the word rape, along with attaching "nazi" to anyone doing something one finds harsh or distasteful. Every time that happens it diminishes the horror and revulsion that should rightly be associated with those terms, not to mention is reveals the weak communication skills of the speaker.

dave3544 said...

You should (not) check out the whole column then, because much of his argument address your very points. Just imagine the pain, humiliation and degradation those boys will have to live with the REST OF THEIR LIVES!

In fact, the woman in this case "emotionally murdered" these men, but the liberal secularists in America just don't consider this a crime. Why? Sexism. Against men. That's why.

wobblie said...

Chad's a nazi.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris!

Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

ash said...

::shudder:: ...i would say "don't get me started," but it's probably too late for that. i've been in durham for a week and that rape case has been on my mind quite a bit. but i can honestly say that the "rape of a name" aspect is one that i had not considered.

i will be returning to blogging soon, and this will be one of the first thigs i write about.

Anonymous said...

I read that you don't like to get into "the facts," which is truly admirable, but there is one little "fact" that you stated that you might want to modify in your blog. Dennis is an observant Jew, not a Christian. Just a little thing, but hey, what's accuracy, right?