Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wal-Mart Is a Pimp

According to feministing, these are on sale in the juniors section of Wal-Mart.

As Jessica says, "There's nothing quite like telling adolescent girls that they don't need to worry about finances since they have their very own moneypot between their legs."

Contact customer service here and corporate offices here: let them know that preteen vaginas aren't commodities."

I'd like to know who buys these for their daughter? Then again, three dollar underwear? Who cares what they say! Not that more expensive clothes for the pre-teens are much better, but at least not quite so crass about it.


ash said...

sweet jesus! i can't imagine being the mother of a daughter these days. un-fucking-believable! thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Just when I think American corporate cultural can't become more inane and depraved, along comes Wal-Mart.

Profit trumps all.