Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Wasn't Going to Say Anything, But...

We all struggled with the Obama birth certificate story. There was just so much to trouble us there. But I didn't say anything, mostly, I think, because I was blinded by his celebrity and my hatred of George W. Bush. Now we have the flub of the constitutionally-mandated oath of office. He didn't say the right words. He didn't say them! He's not president. At the very least, he violated the Constitution, which I believe is an impeachable offense. I find I have to say it, IMPEACH OBAMA!

I'm kidding, of course. Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is not.

As long as we're here, despite assertions otherwise, nobody on the left has said that Obama's election signals the end of racism in America. Saying such a thing is silly and is an automatic disqualifier for "lefty" status. This is a fantasy invented by the wingnuts so they can cry about it every time Obama does or says anything that has anything to do with race. C&L nails Beck and Malkin on it, I will add Goldberg. Obama's election did not end racism or demonstrate that ameliorative action is no longer needed or any such thing. It is an amazing symbol of the progress that has been made since darker days, but that it is still "amazing" just means we have a long way to go.


Anonymous said...

Seriously? People think that Obama being elected President signals the end of racism in the US? That is amazing that people can be so sheltered and unaware of what is going on around them. I mean, I'm sheltered and unaware, but dang...

brown beard said...

He retook the oath tonight.