Friday, November 20, 2009

Neither One of Us Is Chinese

If this were a just world, here's what would happen to a couple of letter to the editor writers:

They would be sleeping soundly in their homes after a stressful and trying day. Suddenly a large man wearing a blue outfit with a club and a gun would enter their room pointing and shouting in a foreign language while holding his hand on his gun. Almost immediately, this guy falls down to the ground. While getting up from the ground he continues shouting at them in a foreign language. As our letter to the editor friends start to sit up in bed, the man fires electrodes into their skin and shocks them with 50,000 volts of electricity.

In a just world this would happen to these people. Unfortunately, this is not a just world.


dave3544 said...

Bonus points to the first person to get the reference in the title.

ash said...

I cheated and looked it up. Familiar with the source, yet have no recollection of this whatsoever.

S said...

Dunno about the title, and I won't cheat by Googling, but I was definitely disturbed by the thread of unquestioning submission inferred because you see a person in blue show up at your door. I'm not advocating greeting the cops with Molotov Cocktails, by any means, nor do I think an automatic "Fuck you, pigs!" is conducive to working out conflicts, either.

But while cops are here to ostensibly protect and serve, they are also human. The job itself demands a somewhat authoritarian, hyper-vigilant personality type, and corruption, power-tripping tendencies, cynicism, burnout, etc. can all lead to officers tasing first and (maybe) asking questions later. In other words, if it does not seem reasonable that a cop is threatening/yelling/targeting you, there's a chance you shouldn't automatically "submit" because he's the one with the billy club/taser/gun. That ain't protecting, that's abuse.

Yet I also wonder if these letter-authors are the same folks who scream that the (liberal) gov'ment is lying to you and you oughtn't take them at their word just because they're government officials!! Question and dissent (and disruption of Town Hall meetings) are the true forms of patriotism!!

But don't question the police or you deserve a shock to the balls.

Dennis said...

I had to look it up as well. If you google it, GBOR is the third hit.