Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nothing to See Here

Sorry about the lack of posts recently. Busy, busy, busy. I need to write the GTFF newsletter today and I've been in a sarcastic funk sense the weekend. A bender will do that to you.

Convention (that's were I was this weekend) was weird enough that I can't blog about it. I imagine that is a reason nephew has been largely silent since we got back (hold on a sec while I check his blog to make sure he hasn't posted a ton of shit since yesterday...fuck, nevermind). i do want to say this, mostly because it needs to be said, not because those currently pissed at me won't be after they read this, the GTFF might not always agree with each other and we may at times make questionable decisions, but we are the hardest working bunch of unionists in this fucking state and I dare any union to say that they are closer than we are. We may have internal disagreements, but once we face the outside world, we have one face and one voice. Makes me think that if we ever had to go out on strike we could do it.

Also, David Broder has a great column on why Harry Reid is increasingly beginning to suck. For those who want to argue that we are losing the war and somebody needed to say it, I say "yes,' but that somebody could have said it coherently, intelligently and without feeding into the "defeatist" mantra that the GOP likes to put forward.

Although I don't agree with much of what he says, and yes he's a booze-hound (an interesting reason to dismiss someone's arguments, especially with this crowd), and a Brit (imperialist swine!), but I really enjoyed this essay about why religion sucks by Christopher Hitchens in Slate. Don't read the comments though, I've heard more coherent arguments fromm Harry Reid.

And lastly, if you haven't purchased Police Squad on dvd yet, for christsake get off your ass and do it. Or stay on your ass and buy it from, but for godssake overnight it.


Anonymous said...


you think Broder is right?...WTF?
Broder probably agrees with your take on the efforts against Walcrap.

Come on, this BS about Reid having to apologize numerous times is crap. I personally applaud his (slow and belated) movement on the Iraq war. I mean WTF?

ps. What happened at the Convention?

dave3544 said...

Ah, pointing out that somebody probably agrees with me in order to alert me to the fact that this guy can't be trusted.

Not asking Reid to apologize. Asking the guy to shut the hell up. There are some amazingly articulate and intelligent Senators in the Democratic party. Harry Reid is not one of them. Harry Reid represents a Western state that the Dems need to win in order to win the presidency.

After listening to the Gonzales hearings, I will take Whitehouse over Reid any day.

maybe Reid is a great parlimentarian, but he is a horrible, fingernails on the chalkboard, speaker.

Not going to blog about convention, but we'll be drinking beers together before not too long, yes?

Anonymous said...

I leave the 10th...still not sure where to after that...

I agree that Whitehouse was amazing. Did not see that coming.

However, I think the attacks on Reid are misguided at best. What exactly did Reid say that you have a problem with? was it that we will lose the war if we don't do something different? was it his characterization of the president as out of touch and wrong?
Buying into the Right Wing noise machine's narrative that Reid is sooooooo problematic that even Dems are beginning to abandon him has no basis in reality. They are scared sh*tless that the Dems have the overwhelming support of the American people.

Reid is a very conservative Dem that has reluctantly moved to the majority position of the majority party. I don't agree with him on many issues, but I damn well know when to support someone who is taking a very tough position. (not because the public doesn't support it, but because the RW noise machine, the MSM, and the administration are going ballistic) Whether you think he is the "best" spokesman for the Dems or not is immaterial, neither of us has any say in the leadership choice. I do not support blind loyalty to my party, but much like the GTFF does and should speak with one voice when talking to outsiders, the Dem party stands behind both of our leaders and the path towards an exit in Iraq, and I (proudly) join them!

Anonymous said...

Not to beat a dead horse, but William Greider expresses much the same sentiment that I just did in a blog post at the nation, in a piece entitled Give'Em Hell, Harry:

check it out...

Anonymous said...

How 'bout..."They say the President is in the state of Michigan. I say he's in a state of denial." i mean for fuck's sake, am i supposed to laugh or cry when I hear that? Is he next going to tell me that denial ain't just a river in Egypt?

From the Nation:
"Reid has an old-fashioned quality that sounds unhip to media junkies, but he is a savvy, tough politician known among insiders for an old-fashioned loyalty and willingness to stand up in a fight (ask labor leaders if you doubt this)."

Does "old-fashioned" mean lame jokes and half-articulated thoughts? I have to believe that Reid sounds unhip to anyone born after 1945.

Again, Reid may very well be a guy we want on our side, but does he have to the freakin' spokesman? Isn't there anyone else to say that this war is a waste of time, lives, money and resources and has damaged the standing of America around the world? There I just did and I managed not to feed the GOP slime machine by calling the president a loser or using some cliched quip.

Anonymous said... think the president is not in denial?

come on...

People need to realize, it doesn't matter if you feed the slime machine it will make its' own food.
some think that if Gore would have just run a better campaign, or if Kerry had served one more tour in Vietnam, then they would have won. It doesn't matter what one does or says, the slimers make sh*t up! So the only course left is to do what one thinks is right, and let the RW machine rot.

also from the nation article:
"Reid is being caricatured in ways designed to destroy his legitimacy and influence. If it really tries, the press can accomplish this. Remember how leading newspapers depicted Albert Gore as an egotistical goof back in the 2000 campaign?"

I am sorry, I think you are "taking the bait"

Anonymous said...

From Americablog, And John Aravosis:
It's no coincidence that the day after a leading Republican Senator calls Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) "un-American" and suggest that he be forcibly removed from office, and the week that another former leader of the Republican party, now under indictment, accuses both Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of "treason" (implying they should be shot), David Broder is more concerned that Senator Reid once called George Bush "a loser." (Of course, Broder himself called General Wesley Clark a "loser" just two months ago. But just like his flip-flopping, hypocritical president before him, it's okay when he does it.) Sure, Broder's own vice president, Dick Cheney, told a sitting Democratic US Senator, on the Senate floor no less, to "go fuck yourself." Sure, George Bush and Dick Cheney both called a New York Times reporter a "major league asshole." Sure, George Bush routinely flips the middle finger to reporters and has been caught on film at least twice so doing. And sure, just this week, again, George Bush and Dick Cheney said that Democrats don't care about the troops...
But Harry Reid called George Bush "a loser." And Harry Reid is a bad, bad man.

as Megan always says (and I hate when she does): I'm just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Guess who else disagrees with your take on Reid?

Every single one of the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus...
check out their letter of support in today's WAPO:

(F'in link won't go where I want it!)
I am sure you can find it.