Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What Graduate School Is For

I'm stealing this meme from nephew. Feel free to do the same.

If somehow compelled to pass an awkward evening among upper-middle-class, middle-brow intellectuals, I could discuss _________ without sounding like an ignoramus:

A) The end of the Roman Republic

B) Atlas Shrugged

C) US involvement in Latin America pre-WWII

D) Whether the universe is expanding or contracting

E) The West Coast Offense

Thanks for Playing.


lex dexter said...

C and E.....i know more about football than you people know.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. C. for me too, maybe Atlas Shrugged but I haven't read it.

wobblie said...

I'd have to go with D and E. But I could only take E so far.

kevin maier said...

i could maybe bluff my way through c and e, but i'd feel way more comfortable with my ability to name drop and ask leading questions to save face in a discussion of the west coast offense. to wit: who's not down with ty detmer?

Anonymous said...

Atlas Shrugged, bien sur.

Though I do try to not spend too much time in the aforementioned situation. : )