Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democrats Go Spelunking (Again)

Lieberman is keeping his chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee. And why wouldn't he? He only endorsed McCain, said the election of Obama would be dangerous, and made favorable remarks Republican Senators in tight elections. I can't see why he wouldn't be able to retain a powerful position in the Senate.

The Senate Democrats truly have no courage, spine, or moxie.

Oh Lord, it's going to be a long rest of our lives.


wobblie said...

Note that the latter half of that committee's name is "government oversight." In other words, that prick will be responsible for holding hearings that hold Obama's administration accountable, just like he did with W...

Oh, wait...

dr said...

See, it's a team of rivals.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think it was a good move. I think it sends a much better message, and though Lieberman is still a bastard, he's our bastard (except on Iraq).